Thursday, 28 November 2013

Emerald Green Smoky Eye Tutorial

Hi Beautiful!! Hope you're just as excited for the holidays as I am :) Even though I come from a BIG family, we all live in different countries around the world so I don't get to spend time with them as much as I'd want to. (Skype doesn't count :P), but the HOLIDAYS are my perfect excuse to pick a destination and spend time with the fam jam!!
SO since I'm having my holiday spirit moment... I figured why not record a makeup tutorial for this season. I did an Emerald green smoky eye inspired by.... Ummmm... the Xmas tree? I guess lol :P I actually do love this look specially for brown eyes, It compliments the eye color & makes it stand out even more. :)
Hope you all enjoy!! & tell me what's your plans for the holidays? :)  

-Kat xOx

All products used in this video are listed below:


Thursday, 7 November 2013

Double Liner Makeup Tutorial

Hi beautiful!!! So i just recorded another Makeup tutorial on how to do the double liner! Like I said in the video... I wouldn't recommend creating this look if you'r going out on a first date :P unless you feel like scaring him hahaha.. It's a look to pull off more on a Girls Night Out. Specially when you feel like being more dramatic & bold. So hope you enjoy it ladies! Bare with me... I'm still trying to find the perfect lighting around my house. But promise it will get better!! :D 

-Kat xOx

The links to All the products used in my video are listed below:



Tuesday, 5 November 2013

White on White

Hi beautiful!!! This is going to be a quick OOTD of an outfit I wore a couple of weeks ago. A lot of you have been asking where I got the top & fur vest from... so I figured why not post it here :)
P.S. I'm loving the white on white trend!!! <3
-Kat xOx

Pants: (Old) Similar HERE
Fur Collar: HERE
Leather Vest: (Old) Similar HERE
Shoes: (Old) Similar HERE
